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Raffle Ticket Serial

Over $150,000 in cash and prizes will be awarded! ONLY 3,000 tickets will be sold and you do not have to be present to win. The Mega Raffle drawings will be held during the festival on Sunday, April 30, 2023, at the Raffle/Silent Auction Tent at 2:00 p.m.

Raffle Ticket Serial

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If you've been involved in planning a stag and doe or a charity event for your work organization, you will be familiar with the 50/50 draw. Perhaps the simplest of all fundraisers, the 50/50 raffle is easy to run and you don't require very many volunteers to run it.

Many fundraisers operate solely on offering a 50/50 raffle at every event. For instance, my campground does a 50/50 raffle to raise money for the kids' playground every year. They make excellent money to make improvements to the playground equipment, and someone goes home a lot happier and with a heavier wallet.

Running a 50/50 raffle itself is incredibly simple. Plus, it's a great way to provide events to team members or employees that are self funded, but that those who don't want to participate don't feel pressured to donate to.

You can simply buy them at a dollar store or party supply store, or you can make them by purchasing a blank strip of rolled paper and apply serial numbers to each ticket. Either way, 50/50 raffle tickets are inexpensive and you can cover the cost of them in the ticket sales.

Typically the fundraising team will decide on a flat rate for one ticket, and a deal for 3. For instance, charge $1 for one raffle ticket or three tickets for $2. Many fundraising planners will even change $5 an arm's length of tickets.

Go around desk-to-desk or door-to-door to sell the raffle tickets. It helps if you are in a familiar community who is aware of your cause (say a workplace or neighborhood). As you approach a potential donor, introduce yourself and state your case. It helps if you have a flyer that explains your cause.

Once a sale is made, rip the ticket in half giving one half to the purchaser, and placing the other half in a hat, box or bucket. Also, when you make your sale, make sure you tell each customer how much they can possibly win when they buy more tickets. Also, remember not to overlook anyone.

Anyone can draw the winning ticket, but it helps to have someone from the fundraising committee or an impartial person (who didn't purchase a ticket) to pull the winner. If your cause is helping a children's hospital or business, have the owner or a patient pull the winning ticket.

Make sure you alert everyone who purchased a ticket who the winner was. For example, announce it via loud speaker or post it in a public place so that everyone can see the name of the person and the amount they have won.

\"Most people buy a $1 ticket and win $10 and they put the $10 in their pocket,\" says Lustig. Those people are playing the game wrong. Instead, he says, if you win $10, then you should buy $11 worth of tickets because \"if you lose, you only lost a $1.\"

While he says there's no way to keep track of the amount of tickets he buys each year, Lustig averages 3 to 6 visits a year to the Florida lottery office. He's become a familiar face at the office where winners go to cash in.

Advice for fellow lottery players: \"Don't throw your tickets away. If you win enough money you can write off the cost of your losing tickets against the taxes you pay on your winnings,\" Lustig said on TLC. He also advises winners to be careful because all taxes are not necessarily taken out when winnings are paid out.

A $25 non-winning Scratch-Offs ticket will require an additional combination of any eligible ticket(s) equal to $5 to complete the entry value at $30, and will give you three (3) entries into Million Dollar Replay or an additional $25 non-winning ticket to complete the entry value at $50, and will give you five (5) entries into Million Dollar Replay.

Make sure that the Game# and Serial# matches the numbers on your ticket(s) or you will not be able to claim your prize. When you've finished, click the SUBMIT button. If you have successfully submitted your entry, it will appear on the "My Entries" tab. To see all your entries go to "My Entries" tab

The New Jersey Lottery DOES NOT require you to submit the actual ticket(s) that made up your winning entry. However, the New Jersey Lottery DOES recommend you retain the actual ticket(s) that made up your winning entry in case further validation of your entry is required.

Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of all information contained on this site. This site, however, is not the final authority on games, winning numbers, or other information. All winning tickets must be validated by the NMLA before prizes will be paid. You must be 18 years of age or older to play the lottery. Our site is constantly updated with new information. Please check back often.

Due to the loss of our annual Lenten Fish Frys due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Fairmount has started to hold regular raffles. Raffles are announced on our Facebook Page and through our mailing list. Tickets are sold through our Square Site. Typically, we run our raffles utilizing the Sure Tip raffle system.

On the back of the base you will find on most games a numbered line for each number that is revealed on the tickets. Raffle ticket purchaser information from our Square site is transcribed on the line which matches the number on their ticket. Each raffle ticket purchased is pulled in sequential order that they were purchased. When the winning number is revealed, the raffle announcer will match the winning number to the corresponding line number on the back of the card. The winner is announced live and notified by phone.

We typically only perform 200 and 300 ticket raffles. Raffles are closed once all of the tickets have been sold and a Facebook Live event is scheduled typically for the following day at 6 PM. Winner(s) are contacted to arrange pickup of the prize or shipping if offered.

Winner(s) must pickup or arrange shipping of prizes within 30 days of the raffle winner announcement. Prizes not picked up within the 30 days will go back to the fire department for re-raffle. All winners are required to meet age restrictions to win such as 18 or older for normal prizes and 21 and over for prizes that involve alcohol or tobacco products.

Florida law prohibits the payment of prizes to persons under the age of 18. By entering my ticket number, I affirm that I am 18 years of age or older.If you experience difficulty when submitting your ticket number, please visit the FAQs section or e-mail The ticket number entered must be 30 digits. Please enter numbers only. Do not include dashes.

Purchase one or more raffle tickets during the raffle, and you will be entered in a drawing to win a fully restored vintage Minimoog synthesizer, serial number 8486. Raffle tickets are $25 each, 5 for $100, 12 for $200, or 35 for $500. Odds of winning are based on the number of ticket entries purchased, which has been capped at 5,000. Entrants must be 18 years of age or older to enter.

The raffle is open to participants worldwide. Contest void where prohibited. Raffle begins at 7 a.m. on August 1, 2022, and ends at 11:59 p.m. on August 31, 2022, or once all 5,000 tickets have been sold, whichever comes first. All times referenced are Eastern Time.

SHIPPING TERMS: The Bob Moog Foundation agrees to pay up to $200 in shipping costs within the United States, and $400 internationally. Any additional shipping and/or customs charges are the responsibility of the winner. By purchasing a raffle ticket you are agreeing to cover all fees over the above-referenced figures prior to shipment of the prize. Failure to do so will result in a forfeit of the prize and an alternate winner(s) will be selected by random drawing.


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