I'm scared every time I go into the ring, but it's how you handle it. What you have to do is plant your feet, bite down on your mouthpiece and say, 'Let's go.'
Mike Tyson


private training



white collar boxing
Fill in the Membership
Form, check our timetable and turn up for training.
Terms & Conditions
Members must be 6 or older. For those under 17 years of age we require Parental Consent.
You are required to pay a £10 Joining fee together with membership fees to Inner City Boxing Club in accordance with the chosen Membership Option. The payment method shall be agreed at the time of your first training session.
If you do not attend any training sessions for a period in excess of 28 days, your membership will be cancelled. To re-join the club, you will have to pay a re-joining fee of £10.
You agree to comply with the Rules of Membership which are displayed prominently in the Inner City Boxing Club and relate to opening hours, use of facilities and your conduct. For any changes to our Rules, we will give you advance notice.
On occasions, we have to close the gym - we will do our best to let you know of such closures in advance of them taking place, unless the problem is urgent or an emergency in which case we will text/email you. We will ensure that such closures are outside opening hours if possible, however if it happens during opening hours we will ensure that are kept to a minimum, in both duration and frequency. You will not be entitled to a refund of part of, or all of, your membership fees in such circumstances.
We will not be liable or responsible for outstanding monies paid to a Coach for ONE2ONE sessions. Private ONE2ONE sessions are arranged directly with the Coach of your choice and not with Inner City Boxing Club.
This agreement is governed by English Law.
We may terminate this agreement with immediate effect on notifying you if you are in breach of the Clubs Rules.
Once you have submitted your Membership Form, to the best of your knowledge and belief you are in good health and not knowingly incapable of engaging in either active or passive exercise and that such exercise would not be detrimental to your health, safety, comfort, wellbeing or physical condition. WE do expect and require that you will advise us immediately should your circumstances change.
© 2019 by DonGinoLatino