Into The Black Nowhere
If you like procedurals like Criminal Minds, the Unsub series will be right up your alley. The DNA is very much the same, which makes it unsurprising that CBS has optioned it to adapt into a television series.
Into The Black Nowhere
Gardiner says that she writes crime fiction because it "gets to the heart of the human condition. It's about people facing a severe danger, or confronting an evil that has invaded their world. It's also fun. I get to slingshot readers into situations they would hate to face in real life. A kid in danger? Bring It On. Sadistic killers? Here, have another helping. My book gave you nightmares? Thank you, that's wonderful."[10]
Gardiner has summarized Beckett's work in this way: "Jo doesn't pick up gory bits of trace evidence with tweezers. She digs into people's passions, obsessions and secrets to find out what killed them. Her territory is the psyche and the human heart."[14]
The simple answer to all of these questions is, as Professor Richard Massey explains, "Who knows?" As a Royal Society research fellow at the Institute for Computational Cosmology at Durham University, Massey is fully aware that the mysteries of black holes run deep.
Indeed, Thorne, who lent his expert advice to the production team for the Hollywood movie Interstellar, wrote: "We see no objects in our universe that could become wormholes as they age," in his book "The Science of Interstellar" (W.W. Norton and Company, 2014). Thorne told that journeys through these theoretical tunnels would most likely remain science fiction, and there is certainly no firm evidence that a black hole could allow for such a passage.
"I think the standard story is that they lead to the end of time," said Douglas Finkbeiner, professor of astronomy and physics at Harvard University. "An observer far away will not see their astronaut friend fall into the black hole. They'll just get redder and fainter as they approach the event horizon [as a result of gravitational red shift]. But the friend falls right in, to a place beyond 'forever.' Whatever that means."
Scientists have continued to explore the potential connection between black and white holes. In their 2014 study published in the journal Physical Review D (opens in new tab), physicists Carlo Rovelli and Hal M. Haggard claimed that "there is a classic metric satisfying the Einstein equations outside a finite space-time region where matter collapses into a black hole and then emerges from a while hole." In other words, all of the material black holes have swallowed could be spewed out, and black holes may become white holes when they die.
"Hawking said a black hole doesn't last forever," Finkbeiner said. Hawking calculated that the radiation would cause a black hole to lose energy, shrink and disappear, as described in his 1976 paper published (opens in new tab) in Physical Review D. Given his claims that the radiation emitted would be random and contain no information about what had fallen in, the black hole, upon its explosion, would erase loads of information.
This meant Hawking's idea was at odds with quantum theory, which says information can't be destroyed. Physics states information just becomes more difficult to find because, should it become lost, it becomes impossible to know the past or the future. Hawking's idea led to the 'black hole information paradox' and it has long puzzled scientists. Some have said Hawking was simply wrong, and the man himself even declared he had made an error during a scientific conference in Dublin in 2004.
So, do we go back to the concept of black holes emitting preserved information and throwing it back out via a white hole? Maybe. In their 2013 study published in Physical Review Letters (opens in new tab), Jorge Pullin at Louisiana State University and Rodolfo Gambini at the University of the Republic in Montevideo, Uruguay, applied loop quantum gravity to a black hole and found that gravity increased towards the core but reduced and plonked whatever was entering into another region of the universe. The results gave extra credence to the idea of black holes serving as a portal. In this study, singularity does not exist, and so it doesn't form an impenetrable barrier that ends up crushing whatever it encounters. It also means that information doesn't disappear.
Yet physicists Ahmed Almheiri, Donald Marolf, Joseph Polchinski and James Sully still believed Hawking could have been on to something. They worked on a theory that became known as the AMPS firewall, or the black hole firewall hypothesis. By their calculations, quantum mechanics could feasibly turn the event horizon into a giant wall of fire and anything coming into contact would burn in an instant. In that sense, black holes lead nowhere because nothing could ever get inside.
Hawking went as far as saying black holes may not even exist. "Black holes should be redefined as metastable bound states of the gravitational field," he wrote. There would be no singularity, and while the apparent field would move inwards due to gravity, it would never reach the center and be consolidated within a dense mass.
This flew in the face of the no-hair theorem which was expressed by physicist John Archibald Wheeler and worked on the basis that two black holes would be indistinguishable to an observer because none of the special particle physics pseudo-charges would be conserved. It's an idea that has got scientists talking, but there is some way to go before it's seen as the answer for where black holes lead. If only we could find a way to leap into one.
The video fades up from black on a mountainous sherbet sunrise. The fast strum of the acoustic guitar is consistent. I can already tell this song has a serious tone. An airy pad leads into the opening line.
Social scientists and demographers have used it to model the spatial distribution of economic activity, of constructed surfaces, and of populations. Planners and environmental groups have used maps of lights to select sites for astronomical observatories and to monitor human development around parks and wildlife refuges. Electric power companies, emergency managers, and news media turn to night lights to observe blackouts.
City light maps have been used to model the distribution of economic activity and populations, to monitor human development around parks and wildlife refuges, and to observe blackouts. (View Large Image - NASA Earth Observatory and NOAA National Geophysical Data Center)
Special Agent Lisa Tanchik is the best at taking down cybercriminals. So when the FBI discovers a multibillion-dollar black market online, she's tasked with finding the creator and bringing him to justice. Donning one of her many digital disguises, Tanchik goes undercover into the network.
Brilliant college student Nate Fallon started his site as an idealistic experiment. But his platform has made illegal trade not only more efficient--but also more dangerous. Now the FBI aren't the only ones out to get him. As profits soar, a criminal organization casts its monstrous gaze on Fallon, and danger leaps from cyberspace into reality.
Feeling pressure from both sides of the law, Fallon is forced to make a decision with shattering consequences. Can Agent Tanchik find Fallon before his dangerous infrastructure falls into the wrong hands?
At the beginning of the universe, the dark god Knull created a symbiotic sword and used it to decapitate a Celestial. Banished into the Void, Knull used the severed head as a temporary base and a forge to refine his weapon into what would ultimately be known as All-Black.[2][3] The headless Celestial's decapitated body was trapped in the Realm Between, tethered to All-Black and by extension to Knull; absorbing the souls of those slain by the Necrosword until it manifested a world of the dead within itself.[4]
As the head eroded and decayed over the millennia, a city was built inside and it became known as Knowhere; serving as a scientific station for various races seeking to study events at the edge of the universe. Served by a council made up of representatives of each race and, for a time, by Cosmo, the station's head of security,[5] the station faced numerous alien invasions, most of which were fought off by Nova and the Guardians of the Galaxy, with the Luminals serving as sometime-annoyance to the Guardians, but often doing what they could to protect the station.[citation needed] It served as a base of operations for the Annihilators.[citation needed]
Knowhere was later taken over by Hela and the Black Order and used to attack the Sanctuary II when Eros gathered the major cosmic powers to show them the will of his dead brother Thanos.[6] They continued to use Knowhere as the location of Thanos's resurrection after they recovered Thanos' body.[7] During the process where Thanos transferred his consciousness from the mind of his brother Eros into his body, the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Dark Guardians invaded Knowhere to prevent this. At the end of the battle, Knowhere along with Hela and Thanos were sucked into an artificial black hole.[8]
Knowhere was not destroyed. Curious about Knowhere's fate, Forge asked the time-travelling Cable to plant a Krakoan Gate before it went inside the black hole. The gate remained active in the present, so Forge and Monet went in to investigate. They arrived to Knowhere in an unknown time and space.[9]
Knowhere was one of two celestial objects orbiting Battleworld, considered to be its moon; the other was Johnny Storm, its sun.[10] Knowhere was the decapitated head of a Celestial, said to have been slain by God Emperor Doom to protect Battleworld, and it remained orbiting the planet as a reminder of Doom's power. It was not of common knowledge that Knowhere was inhabited; therefore, its inhabitants were forbidden of leaving its territory.[11]
Gamora left Knowhere many times, resulting in Angela being sent to Knowhere to deal with her. She was rescued alongside Drax, who picked up a fight with Angela when she appeared asking for Gamora, by her fellow Guardian, Rocket Raccoon. They took shelter in Mantis' apartment, but there they were attacked by Yotat the Destroyer,[11] who was confronted by Drax months ago after he took revenge on Giogo, a mob boss who tried to kill him a year earlier. After defeating the Guardians, Yotat claimed Knowhere as his.[12] 041b061a72