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This spirit ashes isn't particularly strong, however. The wolf trio does moderate damage even after increasing their level however they're not able to function as a tank at all due to their slim health pool. But what they lack in the overall amount of damage they deal what they do make up for with Elden Ring Runes their ability to be a good distractor during battles. Contact them and watch as the wolf-like spectral creatures jump, gnash and circle their prey picking them apart limb from limb while you hang on the sidelines. It's enjoyable while giving the space to breath and contemplate the next step.

But, the thing I love most about the spirit of the lonewolf of ashes is their commitment to their cause. Sure, all the summons follow you after they've been summoned. There's something incredibly charming watching these big-ass, ghost wolves walk around behind you, searching for the next target they can sink their fangs into. They're also known to strike together, coordinating strikes to keep their adversaries at bay. These wolves are helpful nearly all the time and they're always by your side, even when they do get eliminated one by one.

I've gotten so attached to them that I've decided to name my dogs after the good ones from Tim Burton films: Persephone and Sparky from Frankenweenie and Zero from The Nightmare Before Christmas. It's just a bummer you're not able to pet them, and teach them how to behave. Then again, they are ghosts. I suppose that interacting with them is impossible But maybe there's an item in the buy Elden Ring Runes game for this.


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